About us

Sapfir - years of protection

Upozornenie: Spoločnosť SAPFIR je vyvojarom, výrobcom a vlastníkom technológie MPH SAPFIR, s ňou spojených systémov a súvisiacich produktov a značiek. 

Spoločnosť SAPFIR nerealizuje predaj, distribúciu alebo inštalácie na územi žiadného štátu. V prípade záujmu o cenovu ponuku, návrh a projektovanie systému – kontaktujte regionálnych distribútorov vo vašom regióne.

Sapfir s.r.o. is active on Slovakian and international market for more than 20 years. 

Sapfir is active in a sector of know-how entrepreneurship, where it has more than 40 patents, 10 international certificates and 5 international recognitions.

Right from the beginning, we have decided that in the fire-extinguishing segment of business - goal of our company is to create innovative, accessible and simple platform of fire protection, which will be usable in all spheres of businesses.

This solution was made possible by invention and serial production of Modules of Powder Extinguishing - shortly marked as MPH.

Systems based on the MPH are friendly to the environment and water consumption - because of that ,they are on the list of European bank for reconstruction and development (EBRD) on a list of recommended products.

Second important element of systems is Temperature Protection SensorTPS.

Combination of these two elements has opened a way to creation of unique, personal and and affordablesystems of fire extinguishing, which may be used in almost any každej situation and any segment of business.

From the beginning of serial production, Sapfir s.r.o. has designed several thousand fire extinguishing systems and has implemented more than 1500 of them successfully.



Successful projects

However, our company does not stop at what has been achieved and is constantly continuing to develop new types of fire extinguishing systems and temperature sensors into which it translates its know-how and experience gained in this sector.

Sapfir - We protect what you value the most


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